- выделение по биндам глады / бишы / ЕЕ(ШЕ) / Оверы
- Холд тартег
- Подсказки на ЮЗ всяких фишек (талики/уд и т.д.)
- Антибек
- Диспел бафов (нужно настроить)
uses SysUtils,Classes; procedure overi(p: pointer); // оверы на Z var keycode,j,i,m,k:integer; char2,char3:tl2char; begin while engine.status=lsonline do begin Engine.WaitAction([laKey],keycode,i); if KeyCode = $5A { бинд Z } then begin for j := 0 to CharList.count -1 do begin Char2 := CharList.Items(j); if not (char2.abnormalid=2048) and (User.DistTo(char2)<1000) and not (char2.ismember) and (char2.classid=115) and not (char2.clanid=user.clanid) and (char2.pvp) and not (char2.dead) and not (user.target.name=char2.name) then begin Engine.Settarget(char2.name);break end; end; end; end; end; procedure EE(p: pointer); // ЕЕ/ШЕ на V var keycode,j,i,m,k:integer; char2,char3:tl2char; begin while engine.status=lsonline do begin Engine.WaitAction([laKey],keycode,i); if KeyCode = $56 { бинд V } then begin for j := 0 to CharList.count -1 do begin Char2 := CharList.Items(j); if (((char2.classid=105) or (char2.classid=112)) and not (char2.abnormalid=2048) and (User.DistTo(char2)<1000) and not (char2.ismember) and not (char2.clanid=user.clanid) and (char2.pvp)) and not (char2.dead) and not (user.target.name=char2.name) then begin Engine.Settarget(char2.name);break end; end; end; end; end; procedure Cardinali (p: pointer); // бишы на X var keycode,j,i,m,k:integer; char2,char3:tl2char; begin while engine.status=lsonline do begin Engine.WaitAction([laKey],keycode,i); if KeyCode = $58 { бинд X} then begin for j := 0 to CharList.count -1 do begin Char2 := CharList.Items(j); if not (char2.abnormalid=2048)and (User.DistTo(char2)<1000) and not (char2.ismember) and (char2.classid=97) and not (char2.clanid=user.clanid) and (char2.pvp) and not (char2.dead) and not (user.target.name=char2.name) then begin Engine.Settarget(char2.name);break end; end; end; end; end; procedure antiback; var eu,char2:tl2char; obj,obj1,cast:tl2effect; i,j,g,pis,pis2:integer; item: TL2Item; function proxy : boolean; begin result:=false; for i := 0 to CharList.count -1 do begin Char2 := CharList.Items(i); if (char2.cast.endtime > 0) and (User.DistTo(char2)<100) and (char2.cast.id=30) and not (char2.dead) and (User.DistTo(char2)<100) then begin Engine.SetTarget(char2.name); Engine.USeSkill(1164,true); end; end; result:=true; end; begin while engine.status = lsonline do begin if proxy then delay(100); Delay(100); end; end; procedure gladi (p: pointer); // глады на С var keycode,j,i,m,k:integer; char2,char3:tl2char; begin while engine.status=lsonline do begin Engine.WaitAction([laKey],keycode,i); if KeyCode = $43 { бинд C } then begin for j := 0 to CharList.count -1 do begin Char2 := CharList.Items(j); if not (char2.abnormalid=2048)and (User.DistTo(char2)<1000) and not (char2.ismember) and (char2.classid=88) and not (char2.clanid=user.clanid) and (char2.pvp) and not (char2.dead) and (char2.target.ismember) then begin Engine.Settarget(char2.name);break end; end; end; end; end; Procedure dispel; var i: integer; begin while true do begin For i := 0 to user.buffs.Count-1 do begin Case user.buffs.Items(i).ID of 1062,785,271,310,274,275,530,1519,1388,1518,2876,2875,2877,2887,2888,2886,269,982,1191,1189,1353,1182,1189,1191,1502,1261,1537,1086,1392,1393 : begin engine.dispel(user.buffs.Items(i).name); end; end; end; end; end; procedure holdtarget; var charT:tl2live; obj:tl2effect; begin while engine.status = lsonline do begin if (user.target.valid) then if not (User.Buffs.byID(18,obj)) and not (User.Buffs.ByID(28,obj)) then chart:=user.target; if not user.target.valid then while not (User.Target.name = chart.name) do Engine.SetTarget(chart.name); delay(100); end; end; procedure tank; var eu,char2:tl2char; obj,obj1,cast:tl2effect; i,j,g,pis,pis2:integer; function proxy : boolean; begin result:=false; for i := 0 to CharList.count -1 do begin Char2 := CharList.Items(i); if (char2.cast.endtime>0)and not (char2.ismember) and (char2.cast.id=916) and not (char2.dead) and (User.DistTo(char2)<5200) then begin delay(500); engine.say('Юзает Зеркало ->>' + char2.name , 2 , User.name); delay(7100); engine.say('Зеркало офф ->>' + char2.name, 2 , user.name );break end; if (char2.cast.endtime>0) and (Char2.cast.id=3284) and not (char2.dead) and (User.DistTo(char2)<1200) then begin delay(500); engine.say('Юзает Талик УД ->>' + char2.name , 2 , user.name); delay(9100); engine.say('Талик УД офф ->>' + char2.name, 2 , user.name);break end; if (char2.cast.endtime>0) and (char2.cast.id=1476) and not (char2.dead) then begin delay(500); engine.say(' apetit ' + char2.name ,2,user.name); delay(30000); engine.say('apetit off ' , 2 , user.name);break end; if (char2.cast.endtime>0) and (char2.cast.id=789) then begin delay(500); engine.say('WILKU UZAET -> ' +char2.name,2,user.name); delay(59000); engine.say('wilka off' ,2 , user.name);break end; if (char2.cast.endtime>0) and (char2.cast.id=3282) and not (char2.dead) then begin engine.say('Maximum clarity ->' + char2.name , 2 , user.name); delay(120000); engine.say('max clarity -->> ' + char2.name , 2 ,user.name ) ;break end; end; result:=true; end; begin while engine.status = lsonline do begin if proxy then delay(1); Delay(1); end; end; begin script.newthread(@antiback); script.newthread(@tank); script.newthread(@holdtarget); script.newthread(@dispel); script.newthread(@gladi); script.newthread(@cardinali); script.newthread(@EE); script.newthread(@overi); end.
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